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The Mousehole Cat
by Antonia Barber
adapted by Alan M Kent

14th - 31st December 2023

Solmon Browne Memorial Hall, Mousehole

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The cat is back for 2024! Our ninth consecutive year performing The Mousehole Cat in Cornwall.


Our magical puppet and live-action production is performed annually in the heart of Mousehole alongside the village’s famous Christmas light display.

Based on the well-known Cornish legend this uniquely heartwarming story of the friendship between a fearless fisherman and his devoted cat will warm the cockles of everyone's hearts... almost as much as an ‘efty portion of stargazy pie!

This magical show has an hour-long run time allowing families to soak up the atmosphere of Cornwall’s most famous Christmas light display and enjoy a live performance all in one evening.

We have flexible ticket prices again for 2024

To try and make our show as accessible as possible, we offer three ticket prices and a free ticket draw. Please book the ticket that reflects what you can afford right now. You won't be asked any questions and your ticket options won't be shared with anyone.


£19 Supporter Ticket

This ticket includes a donation to support our work

£14.50 Just a ticket

This ticket covers our core costs of the event

£12 Helping You

If you can only afford this ticket right now we understand

£0 Ticket Draw

If you cannot afford a ticket right now please enter our free ticket draw. We will give away as many tickets as we are able to (we're aiming for at least one family per show) and will inform you if you have won tickets a minimum of three days before the event.

Our ticket draw is now closed.

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What do I need to know?
  • Mousehole is extremely busy at this time of year. You will need to allow plenty of extra time to park and walk to the venue.

  • There is no parking available at the Solomon Browne Memorial Hall.​

  • A reliable bus service runs from Penzance to Mousehole. Click here to be taken to the First Bus journey planner.​

  • Due to the nature of the production, latecomers cannot be admitted.

  • We anticipate an approximate run time of 60 minutes.

  • We recommend the show for ages 3+.

  • The Solomon Browne Memorial Hall has full disabled access. To view the venue access information and access statement please click here. If you have any further access questions please feel free to email us at

  • Our performers will help to seat you on our unreserved benches, prioritising children for the front row and aiming to accommodate groups who arrive 30 minutes early, though we can't guarantee group seating.

  • Our performances may be filmed or photographed and the material may be used by Cousin Jack's at any time for evaluation, promotion or other projects. Please be aware that it is the ticket buyer's responsibility to inform members of their party that this will be happening.

  • Tickets are non-refundable.

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Where's it to?
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Solomon Browne Memorial Hall, TR19 6QW
Don't forget there is no parking at the hall! Scroll up for more info...
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Relaxed Performances

Relaxed Performances are for adults and children who might benefit from a more relaxed environment, or are uncomfortable with sudden lighting changes or loud noises, including those with an Autistic Spectrum Condition, sensory or communication needs or a learning disability. These performances are, of course, open to everyone.

Our relaxed performances are:

Sunday 15th Dec at 11.30am
Friday 20th Dec at 11.30am
Saturday 21st Dec at 11.30am
Sunday 22nd Dec at 11.30am
Monday 23rd Dec at 11.30am
Tuesday 24th Dec at 11.30am
Friday 27th Dec at 11.30am
Saturday 28th Dec at 11.30am
Sunday 30th Dec at 11.30am
Monday 31st Dec at 11.30am

Our team
2024 Team

Producing Director

Guy Watson


Alan M Kent


Scott Fleming

Richard Trethewey

Tommie Black-Roff

Puppet Design

Mae Voogd

Visual Director & Marketing

Jonathan Bray

Production Manager

Helen Gibson

Lighting Design

Alastair Doyle

Lighting Operation

Samuel Gilbert

Design & Construction

Susan & Tony Watson


Nicola Bayley

Emily Stanbury

Previous Casts


Kim Healey

Rory Wilton

Tommie Black-Roff

Emma McGee

Jennie Rawling


Emily Faulkner

Rory Wilton

Tommie Black-Roff

Darcey Ball

Guy Watson


Bec Applebee

Emily Faulkner

Richard Trethewey

Rory Wilton

Larissa Pinkham


Bec Applebee

Iga Drzymkowska

Emily Faulkner

Richard Trethewey

Rory Wilton


Bec Applebee

Emily Faulkner

Richard Trethewey

Rory Wilton


Bec Applebee

Iga Drzymkowska

Richard Trethewey

Rory Wilton


Bec Applebee

Bryher Flanders

Richard Trethewey

Rory Wilton

2016 (Christmas)

Bec Applebee

Iga Drzymkowska

Bryher Flanders

Scott Fleming

Ben Kernow

2016 (Summer)

Jenny Coverack

Trevor Cuthbertson

Scott Fleming

Steve Kelly

Ann Lejeune

Book now
Book your tickets now!

This year we have again asked The Minack to sell our tickets for us (thank you lovely Minack team). So when you click on the link below you will be redirected to their website. If you have any tickety questions it's best to give them a call - they're a fab bunch!

or call The Minack on 01736 810181
The Minack manages the Box Office for The Mousehole Cat (meur ras Minack!)
Cousin Jack's Theatre Company CIC

Cousin Jack’s is a “Community Interest Company” which means we are non-profit making and have primary social objectives similar to a charity. Annually we submit reports to Companies House to ensure the work we carry out is for the public good.


Company number 11275939 Registered office Cousin Jack’s Theatre Company CIC, Old Methodist Church, Lowertown, Helston, Kernow, TR13 0BZ

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